Recently we were monitored by an external FETAC Monitor. The purpose of this monitoring visit is to ensure that a company actually lives and adheres to its quality systems (as submitted to FETAC as part of its Accreditation Aplication).
The Monitoring visit was rigorous and it consisted of a Review of records of internal monitoring/evaluation and other relevant documentation
Here are some comments from the Monitor’s Report
Proactive Management is committed to tailoring its training provision to meet the specific needs of its clients, in a learning and assessment environment which is fair and consistent. The evaluation of provision is ongoing and there was significant evidence of a culture of review and improvement. A quality system, appropriate to meeting its obligations as a FETAC registered provider.
Evidence of significant engagement with all stakeholders in a recent Self Evaluation, including the establishment of an in-company task group to review the Train the Trainer programme provider, was observed during the monitoring visit.
Confirmation by learners interviewed of “excellent course notes”, “a practical and structured approach” and “complete satisfaction with the entire learning experience” of Train the Trainer programme attended.